Flip Robison and Dani Lynn Robison Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like:
Flip Robison and Dani Lynn Robison Have Been Featured in Media Outlets and Events Like Forbes, Get Rich Education, Realty411, PowerRoom Mastermind, 7-Figure Flipping, and Flip Hacking Live.
Flip Robison and Dani Lynn Robison Are Owners of A Portfolio of Real Estate Companies:
Flip Robison and Dani Lynn Robison Are Leaders And Founders of No Less Than 7 Real Estate Companies, Including: Freedom Family Investments, Freedom Family Funding, Bulldog Renovations, Independence Property Management, and Independence Realty.
The first epiphany is that the successful investors doing what you want to be doing are human, and you can do what they do. The next realization is that you're going to make some mistakes along the way and that's normal. The tendency on social media is only to share highlights, which makes it seem like some people are just super-human, or else they're extremely lucky. That's really not how it is in real life, and it's a disservice to new investors to present an overly polished, edited, shiny version of investing—real estate can be a dirty job, but the dirtiest jobs often represent the greatest opportunities.
One time, we spent $40k on renovations that simply never happened. How is that even possible? Well, a couple of mistakes compounded on top of each other... Firstly, the contractor we hired for the renovations was sending us renovation update pictures all along. The only thing was, the pictures were of a different construction site! We hired the wrong guy, he was clearly working with a very unique code of ethics... But we could have saved ourself from that mistake if we had checked the construction site ourselves, which we didn't, because we were duped by the photo-updates. It turned out to be a valuable—albeit expensive—lesson and we like to share that story for education, but also to show green investors that hitting bumps along the way happens to everyone.
One of our favorite causes is "Operation Underground Railroad" their mission is to combat human trafficking and they perform sting operations with former Navy SEALs.
Another of our favorite causes is "Together Saving Paws" which focuses on keeping canines out of harms way, by providing them with bullet-proof vests for operations such as performed by OUR.
Giving back was a big part of growing up for Flip and Dani, they weren't from rich families, but their families taught them the value of helping others. Investing with the sole purpose of personal gain isn't enough to feed the soul. Flip and Dani have always seen investing as a tool that can help them help others. This aspect of investing is one of their most passionate subjects—on stage, they often emphasize how empowering it is to operate with a higher purpose.
Working together with investors to find their "why" is one of Flip and Dani's specialties. It often comes up in their talks—understanding your higher purpose helps to practically navigate the world of investing but perhaps more importantly establishing your purpose helps to find clarity, motivation and inspiration.
The Impatient Investor's Guide to Real Estate:
We have gone through it all as real estate investors—if you'd like to avoid the hazards and map out the most direct path forward, leverage our experience to accelerate your success.
How We Made $2M in 21 Months Without Losing Sleep or Selling Friends:
Our biggest real estate windfall to date is a story of big ups and downs, it's a story of tribulation and triumph, it was the rehab of a lifetime!
7 Mindset Mistakes Blocking Your Breakthrough:
Take a step back and figure out the winner's mindset. Preconcieved notions are preventing you from reaching your potential in real estate and investing, let's dissolve these mental blocks and progress.
Finding Your Financial Freedom—How The 1% Think, Invest, and Design Their Lives:
Most people plan their vacations more thoroughly than they plan their lives. This is not so amongst the wealthy... Did you know that the richest people have the highest debt? That's because the rich think differently and use debt as a tool.
Simplified Strategies For Building Wealth
Life gets complicated on it's own, don't make it trickier than it has to be. There is a simplicity that comes with wisdom and experience that we want to share with you investors, so you can reduce the stress and increase your return on time invested.
Flip and Dani want you to succeed. Their book "Get Real" will teach you the market cycles of real estate investing. They share their story to help you develop quicker on your real estate journey.
Real estate can be intimidating, especially when the gurus put on a façade of perfection and elitism. You don't need to be perfect to invest in real estate. More millionaires have been made in real estate than any other asset.
This publication is available as hardcopy and downloadable on Amazon, as well as being available as an audio download on Audible.
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